Category Archives: PRE-ALGEBRA CLASSES

Q2- Week 5 Pre-Algebra

LCD? GCF? LCM ???  ARGHHH  This is what I heard many of the students saying over the last two weeks.  Lots of three letter math terms that we need to find some visual and/or Mnemonic devices to help remember the differences.  When we get back from break, I’m going to have a contest for ways to remember these for our upcoming test and for the mid-term.

GREATEST COMMON FACTOR-  factors are numbers you use to make other numbers so when you are comparing two numbers for common factors you are looking for the largest factor that goes into both.  WHY?  it helps you reduce fractions and work math problems more quickly.

LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE-  multiples are numbers made from other numbers- when you compare two numbers you are lookst at the smallest multiple that uses factors from both numbers (see example above).  WHY?  Process used to help add and subtract fractions- you have to use this to find the LEAST COMMON DENOMINATOR!!!!



Q2- Week 3 and 4

Between  Mo Ranch and this Thanksgiving  this quarter gets divided up in odd ways.  In Pre-Algebra we are currently working on chapter 5 dealing with the concept of Rational Numbers (i.e. lots and lots of work with fractions).  The first part has focused on what a rational number is, how you convert from decimals to fractions, fractions to decimals, and how to multiply and divide with fractions.  We’ve also been working with mixed numbers and improper fractions.

Some visual help:

Pre-Algebra Q2- Week2


This week we finished up Chapter 4 which covered exponents, monomials, simplifying fractions, using scientific notation, and learning about negative exponents.  The concept of a negative exponent was probably the most challenging of the concepts to wrap one’s head around (see rule above).  When you look at the example above from Mathwarehouse, you can see that these are equivalent expressions written in different forms.

In lab this week we looked at  how scientific notation and negative exponents are used by paleontologists and had some fun with these interactive web sites from Learn Alberta- dinosaurs and scientific notation.






Pre-Algebra weeks 6 and 7

Over these last two weeks we have focused on solving multi-step equations and how you use the Distributive property when solving more complicated equations.  We’ve used different learning modalities to try to understand the concepts:  algebra tiles, did an graphic visualization with color of the distributive property in action, and played some games (Like Term Bingo for example).  Web sites are up on the blog for practice along with PDF copies of notes.  These can be found on Edline as well.

Week 5- Q1- Pre-Algebra Classes Sept 19-23

This week we finished up a lot of the review material with chapter 2 and successfully navigated our chapter 2 test.  We started with the distributive property (chapter 3-1) and introduced the concept of combining like terms in algebra expressions.  This is the beginning of newer and likely to be harder, material.

We used Algebra tiles to model combining like terms and I’ve put up some on-line games to help practice skills  (distributive property, like terms).  I’m going to add a website page for the different chapters and will also have those on Edline as well.

Lab this week depended on the class- some did polar coordinates as an extension of linear graphing, others did graphing transformations (a different extension of linear graphs), or worked with Algebra tiles.

Cheers- Mrs. Overdorff

WEEK 4- Q1- Pre-Algebra classes

This week in Chapter 2 we wallowed in how to manipulate integers by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing them (both positive and negative numbers).   Students faced the most trouble subtracting negative integers   For example  -30 – (-9).  Some classes spent an extra day on this concept while others moved on and looked at the coordinate plane and reviewed how to create a function table and plot points generated from an equation.

LAB also varied by class this week depending on what each class needed.  I added several web sites to the Edline page to help students practice math facts and manipulating integers (we played “Walk the Plank” in class) and/or we started an extention of graphing coordinate pairs integrating the concept of transformations (which also involved re-working the integers in coordinate pairs).

Problem solving tip #1 of the week:  Think of the symbols for addition and subtraction as indicators of direction-  subtraction means you move left down the number line (west), addition means you move right (east) .

3 – 9 = -6  ( you move 9 units to the left of positive three)

-3 – 9 = -12  (you move 9 units to the left of -3 to arrive at -12)

-3 + 9 = 6 (you will move 9 units to the right of -3 to arrive at 6)

-3 + -9 = -12 (the negative sign in front of the 9 also means you move left)

-3 – (-9) = 6 (more complex- the subtraction and negative sign cancel each other out in effect so you can see this as – 3 + 9.  Another way you can look at it as each symbol is a set of directions- the subtraction sign indicates you head left but the negative sign means you turn around in head right down the number line).  It is like you start walking down to the left but because it is negative units, you have to walk backwards which means you are actually heading west or to the right of the number line).

Q1- Week 3 Pre-Algebra Classes Sep 6-9


Because of Monday’s Holiday, this week flew by fast.  We did review and the Chapter 1 Practice Test in class Tuesday (yes it is homework if not finished in class) and took our Chapter 1 test on Wednesday.  Thursday we started with Chapter 2 reviewing integers- both positive and negative- and Friday we used Algebra tiles to model the addition of positive and negative integers.  For those with lab this week we either did a number line game or finished working on our graphing exercises using live data.

I also showed the classes how to access their book on line through the blog (the user name and the password exists as a permanent footer at the bottom of every page).  I’ll try to get that up on Edline as well this weekend.

Couple of reminders– Test corrections due no later than Thursday this next week.  Check progress reports and turn in missing work!

NOTES FOR Pre-ALGEBRA Chapters 1-4 through 1-8

Pre-Algebra ch 1-4-1-7

Q1- Week 2 Aug 29-Sep 2 Pre-Algebra

This week we continued our “Tools of Math Destruction” this week in Chapter 1 by practicing how to solve equations with a variable on one side.  One of the patterns we noticed is that when you are solving these sorts of equations, you are using PEMDAS backwards to solve for x (we dubbed it “SADMEP”).  This is a useful trick to remember if want to remember where to start first.  There are examples on the PDF notes for the class this week.

Summary of patterns

1) Look for Addition or Subtraction in the problem first

2) If there is adding or subtracting, then take the opposite of the operation to “move” the number to the other side.  For example  if you are subtracting 2  then add two to both sides.

3) Then see if you have anything like multiplication or division, then take care of that part of the problem next- For example if you have “3x”  divide both sides by 3.

4) At this point, they won’t have to deal with exponents but if there were any you’d take care of those next.

We finished up Chapter 1 by reminding ourselves how to plot ordered pairs and interpret Scatter Plots.  Lab this week focused on working with data and presenting it in graph form so you can interpret it more clearly.  We’ll finish this up in Lab this next week.

Chapter 1 test will be on WEDNESDAY and we will review on Tuesday.

All the best- Mrs. O.

Pre-Algebra Lesson Notes Ch 1-1 to 1-3

Pre-Algebra ch 1-1 to 1-3 Notes